Monday 22 May 2017

Never really close your store

Do I mean that in a literal sense?  Well, kind of.  You can’t be on deck 24/7.  But your signage can be.

When the shutters come down, there’s no need for your store to go dark.  It can continue reaching your market, after hours.  Afterhours outreach keeps your brand active long after you lock the front door.

A retailer’s tale.

Recently, a retailer took to the media to describe what happened when he decided to keep some of his retail outlet’s lights on, after hours.  He’d realized that he was surrounded by businesses who were open long after his store was closed.

And then, the lights came on!

The day after his first experiment with leaving the lights on at night, a whole new batch of customers came in, lamenting the fact they’d never noticed his outlet before the previous night.  As it happened, these new customers were patrons of surrounding businesses who were open after his store had closed for the day.

With the flip of a switch, this retailer changed the fortunes of his business. 

Just add signage.

Now think about the impact of illuminated signage, in the scenario described above.  Illuminated signage, used strategically, can turns the heads of people patronizing businesses around yours, after hours. Without even being there, you’re building your customer base.

People visiting nearby restaurants, or other businesses around yours, are much more likely to be aware you’re there, when you use illuminated signage.  I’m not just talking about the sign over the door.  I’m talking about using your windows to attract consumer attention.

Even if your location isn’t surrounded by businesses open at night, people are going to drive or walk by.  If there’s a bus or metro stop outside, you’re looking at hundreds or even thousands of potential customer views each night.

LEDs reduce environmental impact.

You may be reading this thinking, “But what about the environment?”  Illuminated signage using LED lights is the answer to that concern.  You can also set your signage to turn off in the early hours of the morning when your potential customers have gone home for the night.

LED lighting is also a cost-effective solution for marketing your store by night.  So, while you’re raising consumer awareness, you’re also being environmentally friendly and budget-smart. 

Illuminated WindPro® with LED SKU

This battery-operated night signage solution is just the ticket.  In poster and copy sizes, you’re able to change the message as often as you wish, featuring products and promotions in a convenient, attractive format that lights up the night.

Your doors may be closed, but your store remains open, sending your brand message with affordable, environmentally friendly LED light that gets your store noticed. 

You never really close your store!

We really wish the retailer in the tale above had known about the Illuminated WindPro®.  It sheds light on your brand, while keeping an eye on the bottom line and the environment. has been manufacturing quality signage since 1993.  Contact us about our world class products.


Thursday 18 May 2017

5 ways to transform your exhibit interactions into on-site sales

Exhibitions are an exciting way to reach out to consumers.  With thousands of people streaming by your display on any given day, you have a world of opportunity to draw on.

But exhibitions demand some careful planning and strategy to make them count.  People seeing your booth raises brand visibility.  It’s true.  But it’s the quality interactions you have on-site that are going to change the game.  Further, translating those interactions into on-site sales cements new relationships.

They say that relationships formed under exciting circumstances (like exhibitions) endure.  That’s why we’re going to share 5 ways to transform your exhibit interactions into on-site sales.
  • Check out the competition.

??A successful exhibition presence depends on awareness of your competitors and their strategies.  Do your homework and know how they’re reaching out at exhibitions.  Ask yourself how you can make your brand and products worthy of attention while on the floor. 

Do your homework.  Know what others in your sector are doing in terms of engaging people on site.
  • Offer opportunities.

While your display may have all the right bells and whistles, getting noticed isn’t enough.  Once people see you, offering them opportunities is what creates a lasting impression.
Opportunities that connect you with people passing by can take several forms.  One is offering free trials.  Another is literature, or business cards.  These invite visitors to look up your online presence.  Just add exhibition charm and the effect is a personalized experience that gets potential customers thinking you might be someone they’d like to do business with.
The call to action isn’t just for online marketing.  Soliciting action from potential customers which cements your brand and its products in their minds works the same way.
  • Social media supports.

Social media is a wealth of opportunities for networking you can’t ignore.  A teeming universe of potentiality and promise can be found there.  Ensure that your feed (whether it’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) is brimming with news about your exhibit. Use social media to invite your followers to visit you on the floor.

Include photos and videos of interactions with exhibition attendees.  Offering a “real time” experience creates buzz online and on the floor.
  • 0 – 60 in 30 seconds.

Your on-site sales pitch shoots flames or fizzles in the first 30 seconds.  Your pitch should be rehearsed and delivered with confidence.  Making that crucial 30 seconds count is where the rubber meets the road.
  • Exhibition charm.

I enjoy working with people I don’t like (said nobody ever), so make sure that whoever’s working your exhibit has the charm and confidence to engage people. 
Once you have a business card, you can add your new contact to social media platforms, or send them a personal email.   Your exhibition charm is the key to high-quality interactions which lead to on-site sales.

These are 5 ways to transform your exhibit interactions into on-site sales.  Taking the time to prepare for exhibitions makes a real difference.  Contact us to find out more about exhibition displays.


Tuesday 16 May 2017

Make your brick and mortar store navigation a great user experience with signage

Brick and mortar stores can greatly benefit from signage that improves the experience of their customers.  Imagine, if you will, a highway with no signs. 

How do you find the off ramp?

The retail experience is not that different, especially when you’re hoping to move customers towards promotions and other in-store features.  You need to communicate with your shoppers.

But in-store communication isn’t just helpful – it’s friendly.  It sends the message that the experience your shoppers have with you matters.

Shoppers need to know where to find what they came to buy.  Today’s shoppers want a time-efficient experience, with value added by clear signage that makes that experience seamless.  Not wasting their time is doing them a favor.

Clear signage is a must for savvy retailers seeking to create a great user experience.  It’s a courtesy to your customers, guiding them toward what’s on their shopping list and alerting them to deals they’ll appreciate being made aware of and will consider buying.

With’s innovative point of purchase retail experience supports, your store can be at its most customer-friendly. – the art of the in-store user experience. is an in-store merchandising leader, carrying a range of signage and POP supports that allow you to present your retail outlet at its customer-friendly best. 
Clear, professional signage says you care about the experience customers are having in your store. When you make your brick and mortar store a great user experience with clear signage, you’re building a bridge to your customers.
That spells goodwill and brand loyalty.
At we offer innovative signage solutions which create a supportive environment for your shoppers.  Just like a highway, your store can be bewildering (especially for new customers).  When you don’t know where you’re going, or where to find what you’re looking for, frustration can set in. 
And you lose a customer.

Signage solutions with

Signage, marketing fixtures and interactive POP displays are more relevant than ever in today’s market.  They’re in-store supports that guide and enhance the shopping experience. 
The 21st Century customer is more influenced than ever by media.  Without sharp, attractive presentation, products and services can be passed by, as shoppers respond to slicker marketing.
Signage that guides your customers is a long-term business solution that is repeatedly proven to increase sales. gives you the tools you need to make your in-store POP, signage and displays professional and consistent across the outlet.

A seamless retail experience.

With professional signage, you’re letting the people who shop with you know that their experience at your brick and mortar store matters.  But you’re also creating the conditions you need to build your sales.  Happy customers are loyal customers who keep coming back. has been manufacturing high-quality signage since 1993.  Contact us about our world class suite of in-store signage and POP display products.


Thursday 11 May 2017

Exhibition show displays that you need to have in 2017

Recently, I shared 5 tips on how to transform your exhibit interactions into on-site sales.  In this post, I want to talk about exhibition show displays that you need to have in 2017.

The world of exhibitions is competitive and ever-evolving.  You’re competing for the attention of potential customers in a hot bed of marketing overdrive.  So, how do you draw the eyes of potential customers in 2017, so you can get down to business?

Key trends.

Key trends emerging this year on the exhibition front include curves. 

Curved shapes for exhibition components include counters which resemble reception desks, providing a focal point for interaction with exhibition-goers.

Strategic lighting that speaks of permanence is a pleasant and eye-catching surprise for those who visit your display.  Well-deployed lighting pulls the eyes of those passing and compels them to take a closer look.  With the addition of exhibition charm, lighting is a compelling feature of any display on an exhibition floor.

At, we bring the art of outreach to your exhibition presence.  We believe that our innovative products give our customers the edge they need to attract all the right attention.  Following are some of the exhibition show displays that you need to have in 2017.

Exhibition displays that draw a crowd.’s exhibition displays are designed and manufactured with three important factors in mind: portability, durability and quality.  They’re easy to get there.  They take a beating and stay looking great, because they’re of the very highest quality. 

Our exhibition displays present your brand professionally and make a lasting impression.  They’re designed to turn heads and bring potential customers to you, because you look like you mean business with an display.

But exhibition displays are affordable, too.  We create winning displays with your bottom line in mind, bringing you traffic-stopping exhibition displays that put you front, center and ahead of the competition.

Illuminated WindPro® with LED SKU

This battery-operated signage solution is just the ticket for your exhibition show display.  In poster and copy sizes, you’re able to update your message to suit exhibition needs, featuring products and promotions in a convenient, attractive format that lights up the exhibition floor.
Affordable, environmentally-friendly LED lights create a display that’s difficult to walk by without noticing.  Whatever the message, the Illuminated WindPro® send its with style that gets noticed.

Meeting your needs.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for on our page, talk to us.  Our product line is continually evolving to meet your exhibition display needs.  We customize our display products to your vision, ensuring that it comes to life on the exhibition floor. has been creating high-quality exhibition displays since 1993.  Our quality is known all over the world, with the European market placing us in the vanguard of exhibition supports.  At, we have the exhibition show displays that you need to have in 2017.  Contact us.
