Wednesday 27 September 2017

The Innovative Way to Protect Your Outdoor Display Marketing for Years

Your outdoor marketing display is one of the most powerful marketing items you have in your arsenal. However, seasons change. And with those changing seasons comes weather that can destroy that display. What good is an amazing display if no one can tell what it is? Don't let the weather destroy something you've worked hard to create. Instead, protect your display to keep it looking great and attracting customers all year round.

How to Use Outdoor Display Marketing

Advertising outdoors is a great way for local businesses to build their brand. If you have a sign outdoors that lets customers know what you have to sell, that's a great start.

Use few words on these displays, but make it visually interesting. Short, witty phrases help in brand building, and they are more likely to be read than long, rambling ads. Use an image or two along with a few phrases and a website URL to get across your merchandise, your brand identity and where customers can learn more about your business. Whatever the words you choose are, they should be something that a passerby can easily read in just a few seconds. In most cases, seconds are all the time someone outdoors has to read it. In other words, keep it simple. Leave your more complicated advertising for your website and other media outlets.

Protect Your Outdoor Display

Imagine seeing a business with an outdoor marketing display that is in terrible condition. it's been battered by the elements, and it's difficult to read it. What would be your conclusion? Most people would see this as evidence that the business doesn't care much about its image or its customers. Maybe the business is even closed. No business owner wants its potential customers to draw those conclusions based on worn-out displays.

When your marketing display is worded in the way that will attract attention quickly to convey information effectively, it's time to protect it. Changing seasons will bring rain, sleet, snow, wind, and humidity to your advertising. Before seasons change, make sure that all of your displays are well protected in weatherproof frames.

A weatherproof frame will keep your advertising messages and images in great condition so that they can be read no matter what the weather is like. With a weatherproof photo frame, your business can keep its advertising looking professional at all times instead of neglected, unprofessional and possibly abandoned. A sharp-looking advertising display creates an immediate impact on those who see it. Make that first impression a positive one.

Getting the Bang for Your Marketing Buck

Saving money on displays gets you nothing if the displays deteriorate in the elements after just days. Here's how to get the most for your marketing efforts:

  • Pick eye-catching, brief marketing messages for your outdoor displays.

  • Choose one or two images for impact.

  • Keep the message short enough to read in a few seconds.

  • Protect the display with weatherproof photo frames to keep it looking professional.

For weatherproof frames that will keep making a good impression on customers, Displays Market offers a wide variety of shapes, styles, and sizes. They're tough enough to ride out heavy rain, wind and more to protect your marketing investment. With drainage holes for water and durable materials, they're perfect for keeping your display ready to entice customers.



Tuesday 19 September 2017

This is the Brightest Idea in Display Marketing

Display marketing provides the unique opportunity for your business to showcase its products, services and message for an audience who wants to hear it. The trick for a business is to stage their marketing display so that it captures the attention of that audience amid a cacophony of other visual images. The most effective way to do so can be boiled down to two words: LED lighting.

LED Lighting: More Than Just Illumination

There's a perception that any type of lighting is sufficient when its comes to effective design. It is true that your target audience will likely still be able to see the properties and elements your display is delivering without specialized lighting such as LED light strips. However, an effective marketing display takes advantage of the visual nature of humans and uses light to do more than simply illuminate the space.

Benefits of LED Lighting

In the busy and fast-paced business world of today, theatrical lighting is likely to have the greatest impact on successfully delivering your brand's message. A few ways that it can do so include:

  • Securing Attention and Enticing Traffic

Bright colors amid neutral ones easily capture the eyes -- and attention -- of the audience and entice them to come closer to your display. Once they are standing in front of you, use focused LED lights to highlight a display or product so that it pops against the surrounding visuals.

Highlighting doesn't just mean training lighting on a particular area though. Use an LED light box to draw the audience's eye to a brightly-colored and oversized marketing display. The skillful use of lights can direct your audience along a particular route to discover more of what you have to offer.

  • Set the Mood

It's long been acknowledged that lighting can set a mood to create energy, warmth or drama. Colors that are soft and warm create a space that's both relaxing and welcoming. An LED light bar with a color wash feature imbues a dynamic sense of energy. Infuse a powerful industrial feel by using bright white LED lighting.

  • Build Brand Consistency

Your business has its own brand with a logo, colors and tagline that you developed to help increase its recognition among your target audience. Using lights as a method of building your brand helps deliver the kind of consistency your audience finds recognizable and reassuring. Carrying over the same type of lighting elements throughout your marketing display helps tie them together, further solidifying your brand.

  • Layer Lighting to Your Advantage

Lighting that's layered adds depth, permanence and ambiance. This serves to lift your display out of the depths of one-dimensionality. Layering lighting such as task lights, appropriate ambient lighting and focused accent lighting adds rich depth and removes the flatness that can sometimes envelop a marketing display. The skillful layering of light brings your brand to life in a way that's both vibrant and permanent.


  • Lighting is more than just the illumination of your brand.

  • The proper use of LED lighting within your marketing display captures the attention of the crowd.

  • Lighting can become your brand's message -- and help deliver it as well.

  • Versatile lighting provides multiple ways to highlight, attract and entertain visitors.

Displays Market is your one-stop location for marketing display supplies. Their huge selection of in-stock LED lighting and other elements are available at the lowest prices in the industry. Contact them today for more information or to learn more.


Wednesday 13 September 2017

How to Use and Benefit From an iPad Kiosk in Your Business

The use of iPad kiosks in businesses like retail, hospitality, restaurants and more continues to gain momentum in popularity. It’s a convenient and cost-effective way to display helpful information, sell products and services or run a promotion. As a matter of fact, “among Fortune 500 companies, 98 percent use the iPad.” Here’s a list of how to use an ipad kiosk and the benefits businesses reap from it.

Enhance Customer Buying Experience

An iPad kiosk stand provides customers with detailed and accurate information about both the services and products a company offers. It’s very convenient for customers to access information and make inquiries on features, availability and pricing. It saves time. Plus, customers have confidence in companies that use the latest technology. All of these factors establish customer loyalty and enhance the customer buying experience.

Expand Customer Base

An iPad kiosk stand can be placed at strategic and busy locations to reach more customers. And businesses can save money by avoiding paying for brick-and-mortar space. This approach has many other benefits too. It increases the potential to sell more products and provides an inexpensive way to reach more customers and generate more sales. The bottom line is that it increases revenue for businesses.

Lessen the Operating Cost of Business

With iPad kiosks, businesses can offer more services and products at a lower cost. Customers can get answers to buying questions on an on-demand basis. Businesses can focus their labor costs on sales employees to increase total sales volume. It streamlines the number of needed employees and cuts back on costly managerial help for management.

Diverse Applications Increases Efficiency

By using an iPad kiosk app, businesses can diversify its uses. An iPad kiosk app can be used to manage gift registries, accept job applications, purchase gift cards and process credit card applications. By providing this type of service, the consume can accomplish multiple tasks. It makes operating highly efficient. In addition, businesses can select which iPad kiosk mode they want to set up.

Gather Feedback

iPad kiosks are an ideal way to gain insight into how and why customers are buying. They can be used to collect feedback from customers by adding a survey to the kiosk. Plus, iPad kiosks can gather email address for an email marketing list. This way, businesses can continue the conversation after the customer has left.

Play Digital Guide

Most businesses don’t always have an adequate sales force to answer customer questions. An iPad kiosk stand is a great tool to answer a variety of questions. It can act as a product catalog and relay product descriptions. It also increases the opportunity for upselling related products. Businesses can also use it to display the store layout and advise where to find a specific product.

Connect Customers with Service Providers

Use an iPad kiosk stand as a digital receptionist. Check customers in when they visit a therapist, spa or salon. This informs the service specialist that the client has arrived.

Key Takeaways of Using an iPad Kiosk

iPad kiosks:

  • Make the buying experience better

  • Expand customer base

  • Lower the cost of business expenses

  • Offer different applications for efficiency

  • Act as a digital guide

  • Connect clients with service providers

For more than two decades, Displays Market has been providing businesses with world-class marketing products, including iPad kiosks, stanchions, sidewalk signs, message boards. Shop through October 31, 2017 and get get 25% off your order using the code BOO25.


Wednesday 6 September 2017

5 Simple and Unique Ways to Utilize Snap Frames in Your Boutique

Display marketing is a great way to spread your business' image to all of your customers as well as passersby. The use of beautiful displays makes your boutique more pleasant to be in, and it reinforces your brand as your customers shop. Here are five clothing store display ideas to make your boutique's decor richer, more inviting and to keep it on-brand.

Decorate With Posters

Having large, colorful posters in your boutique sets the mood for elegance and beauty. This builds up your boutique as the place to go to for items that make your customers feel beautiful. Using poster showboards allows you to frame these posters in an aesthetically pleasing way and to hang them both inside and outside your boutique. Customers will be drawn in by the images they see on outside walls. Inside, you'll set the tone for the day. Remember that every inch of your store is important, so make all of it count.

Frame Signs for Atmosphere

In your boutique, it's the little details that matter. Don't just sit a sign on the counter for customers to read. Frame it so that even your signs are wrapped in the elegance that you sell in your shop. With these snap picture frames, every corner of your store is an area to enjoy by your customers. And, the overall look of your store is always important to your current and potential customers.

A Double-Sided Display Advertisement

Boutiques that have plenty of interesting displays to see can expect to attract more attention. With a double-sided display, you can add twice as much to your display marketing areas. These double sided snap frames can be hung in the windows of your boutique so that you have double the display in one compact area. You can provide a different image for people indoors and another for those outside, providing a more memorable display. These frames also provide a great way to create displays where you don't have wall space for mounting frames.

Create Compact Displays of Your Clothing

Every boutique has plenty of lovely clothing to offer customers, but many stores don't have a lot of floor space. When it comes to the existing square footage indoors, would you rather devote that to your merchandise for sale or use the space for mannequins? Being able to display your clothing in a pleasing way can drive sales, but mannequins take up an enormous amount of space that could better be devoted to clothing. That's where using snap frames to display photos of your clothing can solve this problem.

Communicate With Your Customers

Are you having a sale? Did you get new inventory stocked? Will you be expanding your boutique? Any of these exciting changes are important to communicate with customers, but putting up tacky, temporary signs can ruin the design of your store. Instead, using snap frames to hold these announcements in frames that keep up the upscale tone of your store. It's easy to put a few of these announcements into frames and then take them out and hang them as needed. The durability of the snap frame means you will be able to use them again and again for years to come.

To get the most from your displays and customer communications:

  • Use posters to add to the tone you've set for your store.

  • Frame the small signs you'd put on and near the checkout point.

  • Use double-sided display marketing to add images to difficult spaces.

  • Frame and hang photos of your clothing being worn instead of taking up space with mannequins.

  • Communicate news to your customers with elegant, frames signs on the walls instead of cheap, handmade signs that quickly look worn.

With display frames from Display Market, you can create the atmosphere you need in your boutique to keep your customers coming back. Go above and beyond the competition by using pleasing framing to set your store apart. Shop Displays Market for all of your display marketing need!

