Monday 31 July 2017

Chalk Art and How to Utilize it For Powerful Restaurant Marketing

Original, fresh, and eye-catching: the stunning look of hand-drawn chalk art displays add a personalized charm to many businesses. These one-of-a-kind promotions are especially effective in restaurants where chefs constantly feature new daily specials and new menu items. How can you use chalk art to create a powerful restaurant marketing campaign?

1. Showcase your restaurant's specials in highly visible places.

Imagine a busy walkway downtown where hundreds of hungry patrons are browsing their options for their next meal. Many are out shopping or sight-seeing and don't have a set destination for lunch or dinner in mind. Then, behold—a beautiful wooden stopper stands outside your restaurant, decorated with vibrant chalk markers, informing people about your lunch specials. The deal's too good to resist, so you've just won two customers through marketing.

In another instance, two friends are sitting at the bar. Even before the bartender hands them a drink menu, they notice a free-standing chalk board displaying some new offerings. They discover happy hour specials and seasonal mixed drinks that aren't on the printed menu. Your restaurant has just effectively showcased special menu items in highly visible places to motivate customers to purchase limited edition beverages.

2. Your advertisements should be succinct and impactful.

An effective sign will be able to tell its story in a matter of seconds. After all, you only have 8 seconds or less to grab someone's attention before you lose it, so you need to make the most of your marketing potential. Here are three tasks your advertisements must fulfill to make a good impression on potential customers.

  • It gets to the point- Effective displays aren't cluttered and are easy to follow.

  • It gives necessary information- Customers like to know details upfront so they know exactly what to expect.

  • It's attention-grabbing- Chalk art signs should be bold and draw in customers from a distance. Overall, they should be image-driven and not crammed with text. In fact, image-driven content gets 94% more views on online promotions. Why not apply this concept to the real world too?

The Main Takeaways

  • Make your displays effective by placing them in highly visible areas inside and outside your restaurant.

  • Your advertisements should grab everyone's attention and only contain relevant information.

Start marketing with chalk art today.

If you want a stunning chalk art display, then contact us at Displays Market. We've been in this business for 20 years and offer a plethora of marketing supplies for businesses large and small. Our chalkboard displays can handle smudge and moisture resistant chalk markers, making them fine investments for your next marketing venture. For more details about any of our world-class services and marketing products, contact us.


Tuesday 25 July 2017

The Best Places to Display Your Brochures

You invest a lot of time and even some of your precious marketing funds into creating an appealing brochure that really relays your unique selling proposition to prospective clients, but if you don’t make your brochure accessible, you’re missing out. Showing off your brochures in strategically chosen spaces and using appealing display stands can help spread the word about your business and ensure your hard work is being seen.

In general, spaces where people wait, where there is heavy foot traffic and anyplace people congregate for an event are good choices for displaying your brochures. Which locations are best for your unique business? We’ve created a few good starting points below, based on responses from customers and marketing research. Try one or more of these techniques to increase your marketing ROI when it comes to brochures and to generate awareness and buzz about your brand.

9 Clever Places to Display your Printed Brochures

In your own office or place of business: It’s a natural starting point, but some people skip over it entirely. Placing a stand with brochures about your ancillary services at the checkout point or in the waiting room makes it easy to upsell customers who are already there. Whether you add a brochure about your new photo-facials in your medi-spa waiting room or have a stand promoting your newest set of dog training lessons at the checkout stand at your pup treat bakery, you can market your other services to your existing customers.

At complementary businesses: Create an arrangement with other local businesses that sell products that complement, but don’t compete with yours. Your natural foods and soaps brochure will be right at home at the yoga studio, while the local coffee shop could be an ideal place to display your book or knitting store brochures. Creating reciprocal arrangements with local vendors can help you target customers that are already interested in similar services without directly competing for business.

At special events: Whether your town has an annual Peach festival, a county fair or other big, local event, your brochures need to be there. If you have a presence there, then a brochure stand can help build awareness of your brand and give visitors something to take away with them. If you are not exhibiting, spaces where people wait to buy tickets, enter or even go on rides can be good places to display your brochures.

In your building: If you have an office or location in a mall or building, displaying your brochures in vestibules, by the elevator or where people congregate can help you spread the word. People coming to your building to see one business may not even know you are there, so this is an easy way to alert them to your presence.

Conferences and trade shows: when you attend a show, bring more brochures than you think you need with you. You’ll be able to send them home with visitors, particularly if you add them to a promo gift bag or pair them with another item. A simple but elegant display stand allows prospects to take your brochure even when you’ve stepped away or are with another client.

Include with every mailing: If you are sending an invoice, thank you note, greeting card or any other communication, include one of your brochures outlining everything you have to offer. In most cases, you’re already paying the postage and you’ll be making the recipient aware of your other services, too.

Local Industries: The local Welcome Wagon, your Chamber of Commerce and even real estate offices are great places to display your brochure. These places specifically target newcomers and are good central locations for information for local businesses.

Hotels, Campgrounds and RV Sites: These cater to people visiting the area, if you offer a service or product a visitor or tourist could use, then these are ideal site for your brochure. Advertise your retail shop, restaurant or even emergency dental services to those who are visiting your area but don’t actually live there.

Daycares, gyms and churches: Cater to parents and kids? Then these locations will put your brochure right in front of busy parents and families. Whether you offer kid’s art classes, sell boutique clothing or provide tutoring services, one of these locations could help you find local clients when you display your business cards or brochures.

The Bottom Line

  • Your brochure only pays off if people see it

  • Put your brochures where people wait or kill time

  • Get creative when it comes to local brochure display

Getting your brochures out there is an important part of the marketing process and will help you increase your overall ROI. To learn more about displaying the brochures and printed pieces you’ve worked so hard to create, check out our line of elegant and versatile display stands designed to showcase your materials and grab them the attention they deserve.


Tuesday 18 July 2017

Airport Marketing - The Best Way to Get Noticed

There are plenty of ways to get noticed in an airport, but most of them revolve around YouTube and an unfortunate security incident. However, this isn't the kind of notoriety that your business needs, but you do need a steady stream of customers to keep your business running smoothly. The high levels of traffic that meander through an airport on a daily basis should guarantee excellent sales, but if no one can tell what you're selling -- then traffic can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of ways to grab the notice of prospects and turn them into paying customers.

Looking Down / Looking Up

Believe it or not, something as potentially boring as floor covering can have a huge impact on bored travelers. For instance, check out the Twitter presence for Portland International Airport's carpeting: over 30,000 selfies were shared over the past few years devoted to the odd-looking pattern. This should show the engagement levels that people can have with even the most basic of designs. Message boards, floor signs and sidewalk signs are also great ways to bring people into your storefront and encourage them to engage with your products. The #PDXCarpet phenom goes to show that marketing doesn't have to be fancy, it just has to be interesting!

Reinforcing the Message

As people wander mindlessly through an airport for hours on end, their minds can wander aimlessly just as their feet do. However, a message that's repeated throughout the space as people get closer to your location can reinforce the idea that you're trying to plant. Look for ways to repeat the storyline with oversized poster showboards scattered through the hallways and retractable banners scattered around the exterior of your store to draw visitors into your space. You'll love the variety of sizes offered through -- from retractable banner stands to quick banners that can be brought into your store and changed out quickly depending on your sales and special offers.

Successful Crowd Control

Have you ever noticed how quick service restaurants have large, full-color images of food posted around the exterior of the buildings? These graphics offer a huge upsell opportunity for current customers. Take advantage of every opportunity to encourage customers to upgrade their order and add value to your business. Crowd control posts and ropes, for instance, offer not only a way to keep people organized and reduce chaos but also come in a variety of shades to help reinforce your brand. Use write-on message boards set up around a turn in your crowd control posts to share your top sellers for the day or to let people know when supplies of a hot item are running low.

Telling the Story

Have a product or store that requires a little extra explanation? The good news is that you have literally miles of space within an airport to build upon a story and sell your goods or services. Ads for a massage area coming up might start over a mile away from the actual location, but spend the time in between showing how relaxing a massage would be after a long day of travel. The same is true for food stores -- enticing hungry travelers with images of delectable treats that are waiting. Properly executed, an ad campaign for a specific brand can cause walkers to pass by other brands and take the few extra steps to enjoy a premium brand that will satisfy not only their physical craving, but their mental needs for comfort and enjoyment during a stressful travel period.


When you're promoting an airport-based business, it's important to tell your story in a creative and engaging way. Whether that's creating a visual display such as Visa's baggage carousel of lava or simply a well-designed display ad, catching the eye of bored and listless travelers is essential.

No matter what type of airport business you're marketing, you're sure to find hundreds of display options online at Visit today to learn how you can drive additional sales to your airport-based business!


Thursday 13 July 2017

How to Handle Crowd Control at Big Festivals

At any large festival, public safety is the number one priority, and the key to public safety is crowd control. Most of the crowd control must be passive, because it’s impossible to control large crowds with security labor alone. The crowd control must be able to be maintained without constant supervision.

Pull Town or City Permits

The first stage of handling crowds is to pull relevant town, city or state permits. Towns frequently have regulations regarding parking that can often also provide helpful ideas for handling heavy vehicle traffic and parking at established venue sites. In other words, the same city rules that help ensure safety can also reduce the number of decisions that need to be made when drawing up blueprints in the next stage.

Plan Traffic Flow

The second stage of managing crowds at a large festival is to plan traffic flow. A blueprint or diagram of the grounds should be drawn up in order to plan vehicle traffic and parking for personnel and attendees, pedestrian movement, crowd viewing areas, vendor traffic, crew activities and talent restricted areas. Copies of the traffic blueprint should be distributed to all planners, crew members and talent management teams.

Plan Signage

Once the vehicle and pedestrian traffic flow has been established, the next task is to make the flow pattern obvious to festival attendees through highly visible and repetitive signage. At a large event, parking attendants should hold visible, instructional signs. However, stand alone signage is also needed. When electricity is available, LED signs work well for parking areas as well as on festival grounds. Otherwise, street barriers with appropriate instructions displayed are equally effective.

On festival grounds, signage is key to ensuring that pedestrian traffic can easily and efficiently move between areas. The vendor area, bathrooms, meet-up spots and first aid stations should be clearly indicated with tall, high-visibility banner signs.

Mount Announcement Speakers

The festival venue should be wired for sound, not only for the talent, but for public service announcements. Speakers can be mounted on poles that can broadcast important information such as lost persons or property, weather warnings, late performances, changes in stage locations, and other information pertinent to the safety and enjoyment of the crowd.

Install Stanchions

Stanchions are absolutely mandatory for any size crowd control, but especially at big festivals. These guideposts provide safe and obvious walking areas for pedestrians. A stanchion assembly works passively to control pedestrian traffic flow, which is indispensable when managing crowds at big festivals. Stanchions also provide a visible barricade to allow adequate space between the front row and the talent crew. Finally, stanchions can also be used to cement the brand name in the minds of festival goers. The retractable belts on stanchions can be customized to display the festival or band names, for instance.

Plan on placing stanchions wherever you need to direct traffic flow. As crowds thin out, the portable stanchions can be relocated, or retractable belts can be adjusted to accommodate shorter and more direct lines.

Estimating Crowds

To maximize crowd control and ensure adequate supplies, it’s necessary to estimate the number of attendees. Festival organizers for the Austin City Limits had to control attendees numbering 450,000, while Coachella brought nearly 200,000 people together in one place. One of the most straightforward ways is to limit the number tickets sold and then add in crew, vendors and talent teams. If you plan for 100% attendance, you should be in a good situation to handle the crowds that do turn up.

To sum up, handling crowds is primarily about safety and organization.

  • Pull permits

  • Plan traffic flow

  • Plan signage

  • Install announcement speakers

  • Install stanchions

If you do all these things, your festival event should go smoothly and with great success. For assistance with your event planning, please contact
