Thursday 29 June 2017

Is retail dead? How to keep your store from closing.

In a recent blog, we discussed top brick and mortar retail trends of 2017.  Those trends represent response in the sector to shifting consumer behavior that’s changing the face of retail.  Increasingly, retailers are challenged to present consumers with more in the way of experiential draw, making their effort to come and shop more worthwhile.

The rise of online commerce has prompted marketing experts to ask, “Is retail dead?”.  That’s why this post will offer some helpful tips on how to keep your store from closing.

Meeting online commerce head on.

E-commerce’s rise continues apace, but it’s missing something traditional, brick and mortar retail will always have – the face-to-face human experience.

It’s convenient to be able to sit in your jammies and shop online.  Let’s face it.  Consumers love exactly that aspect of it.  But they will make a point of 3D, real world, retail shopping when they have good reason to do so.

So, what constitutes good reason?  Experience.  A big part of that experience is interaction with a retail sales force that cares about them being in the store and wants to support their experience with customer service excellence.

Retail isn’t dead, or even on life support.  The retail survivors in our era will respond to the e-commerce challenge by elevating the customer experience on the front lines.  It’s outlets which embrace service as a key nutrient for feeding brick and mortar retail who will make it.

Branded interactions.

As discussed in our recent post about the 4 design elements shoppers value in a retail store, we talked about the 3 communication channels of your brand.  See. Speak. Do.  The “do” part is just as important as the other 2 channels.  In fact, it’s what seals the deals for many people coming into your outlet.

Sales staff who are present to consumers, knowledgeable about your products and express your brand in their interactions, create a pleasant memory of superior service.  That memory brings people back.
The converse is true when your sales staff is either thin on the ground, or unequal to the task of modelling customer service excellence.  Training staff to be the best they can be as your frontline brand ambassadors creates branded interactions which cement customer loyalty.


If you’re going to be a brick and mortar retail survivor, it’s crucial that you do the work required.  That means training and re-training staff to be finely-tuned sales-making machines who understand what customers want.

Customers want a personal experience.  They also want autonomy.  At the same time, they want to feel valued and special.  You sales staff’s understanding of these key elements of customer need creates the conditions your store needs to weather the shifting sands of 21st Century retail.

Is retail dead?  How to keep your store from closing demands that you gather to yourself the high quality people you need to create a customer experience that offers your shoppers personalization, branded interactions and outstanding service.
Contact for premium POP supports that keep your store alive and competitive.


How to get shoppers to make unexpected purchases in your store.

Conventional wisdom tells us that retailers are in the “supply and demand” business.  They exist to fulfill demand.  That’s true to a point, but many retailers translate the word “demand” as “need” and that’s not quite where their focus should be.

The primary focus in any retail enterprise should be “desire.” People will always buy what they need, but more often than not, they’re going to buy something they want, or desire.  The trick is to anticipate that desire to compel a purchase.

Getting shoppers to make unexpected purchases in your store is where the real retail magic happens.  In this post,  we’re going to look at some savvy ways of speaking to shopper desire over shopper need.

The element of delight

There are three distinct types of shopper.  The first wants the expedition to terminate as quickly as possible.  As though blinkered, this shopper is on a mission.  The second may be reasonably focused, but doesn’t mind the odd “off road” encounter with an unplanned purchase.  The third (and most important for this purpose) enjoys finding an element of delight in the consumer experience.
It’s that third type of shopper who’s looking for a surprise and most likely to make an impulsive, desired purchase. They find themselves surprised by new discoveries that speak to their desires.  They want to be delighted by encounters with items they “just have to have”.

Transcending the mundane

The mundane, utilitarian approach to retail is rapidly fading into history.  People increasingly demand that their consumer journeys contain an element of experiential interest.  How to get shoppers to make unexpected purchases in your store means your challenge is to overcome the mundane.

Thinking outside the traditional retail box is a matter of breaking time worn molds.  While it may seem that placing all the shirts together in one place, grouped by size makes sense, but where’s the element of delight in that?

There is none!

Switch it up.  Group items differently, creating opportunities for shoppers to see that shirt with those pants, or that skirt.  The shirt purchase may turn into a pants/skirt purchase, too.
Upping your display game is an important way to get shoppers to make unexpected purchases.  Surprising displays that go beyond the seasonal, draw attention to items you want your customers to know about.  Only your imagination limits the lengths to which your creativity can go.

Interactive features

Invite your customers to have a whole new experience of your store with demonstrations, workshops on how products are used (tools, craft supplies, cameras), or fashion shows.  Hold a guerilla fashion show, with staff acting as models, walking around the store and talking about what they’re wearing, as customers browse.

Offer something extra and memorable that introduces that element of delight which drives unexpected purchases. is a Point of Purchase display leader, offering retailers like you premium POP supports that help you up your display game.  Contact us to discover a world of high quality POP display products.


Tuesday 27 June 2017

Top brick and mortar retail trends of 2017 (so far).

With the rise of online shopping, brick and mortar retailers are challenged to respond to a shifting consumer landscape.  To date, many have opted for “omni-channel solutions” (combining physical plants with online sales outlets and enhanced access to encompass mobile device users).  This approach has had mixed results, but has been very successful for some brands.

Change is a challenge brick and mortar retailers are called to respond to and there are some key ways to do that.  Let’s review the top brick and mortar retail trends of 2017 (so far).


The showroom model is cropping up for large scale brands all over the USA.  While it may seem an unworkable model for smaller scaler stores, some of its features are highly adaptable.  Key to incorporating elements of the showroom model is consumer experience.

Showrooms offer limited inventory which is unique to a brand.  Whether it’s electronics or car accessories, this retail model puts items in the spotlight that no one else has.  Key to adapting this aspect of showrooms is the uniqueness of the item you wish to feature.

It’s important that your shoppers be treated to an experience.  Encouraging them to become “preferred customers” and inviting them to book appointments to experience the item you’re featuring (either in a small group, or solo) offers them something they can’t get elsewhere.  The VIP treatment is what most consumers desire and that’s foundational to the showroom model. 

Pop ups.

This growing retail trend is driven by retailer need to reach outside their physical plant to find their target customers.  The significantly reduced cost of this form of retail outreach is attractive.  But it’s the immediacy that makes pop ups special.  They’re limited time offers in physical form.

Offering your premium product in a pop up store is the beginning of creating an experience the consumer can’t have elsewhere.  Again, this trend is driven by the experience economy so desired by consumers right now.

Pop ups are about urgency and can generate significant word of mouth because of that quality.  Consumers will share news of your pop up readily, especially if the product or products you’re featuring are well-presented and accompanied by an immersive consumer experience. 

Pop ups offer shoppers a sense of privilege and being “in the know”, about something that doesn’t happen every day.


A key trend to pay attention to is differentiation.  As seen above, people want something singular.

Women’s and teen’s apparel have been hit hard by a market saturated with products which are so similar from store to store, they’re indistinguishable.  Nobody wants what they can find just about anywhere else, so your brand’s success is in its resolute uniqueness.

Shoppers want to walk away with something which prompts others to ask, “Where did you buy that?”.  Differentiation is what distinguishes your brand and compels consumers to seek you out.
The top trends for brick and mortar retailers in 2017 (so far) call on retailers to stand out.  Contact for premium POP supports that help make it happen.


Effective summer 2017 sales displays for retail stores.

Summer is upon us.  The long, languid days propel city people to distant seashores and cabins in the mountains.  Many head to woodland lakes to spend their vacations communing with nature.  For retailers, summer is a marketing challenge.  With all these people going on vacation, how to keep customers still in town interested?

Effective summer 2017 sales displays for retail stores incorporate the emotions we encounter during this beloved season.  Lake, sea, sun, campfires and a slower pace of living are all summer features retailers can use to market their products during the season.  Drawing on popular associations for your displays is a great way to grab and maintain consumer attention.

People love summer, so appealing to that emotional connection is key to effective summer 2017 sales displays for retail stores.

Emotional appeal.

Truly memorable sales displays for retail stores appeal to consumer emotions.  They evoke pleasant summer memories and the desire to enjoy the season to the fullest. 

Bringing those cherished memories and desires to your window and sales floor displays is a creative endeavor, demanding that retailers draw on their own summer experiences.

Displays featuring boating themes are especially popular.  Life preservers, boat rigging and even false bows can be used to create the effect of boating on a lake, or sailing on the sea. 
Think in terms of creating an idea of the activity you’re depicting.  Incorporate a shining yellow sun and blue water, using simple supplies like poster board and crepe paper.

Context and humor.

Window displays using summer themes should be highlighting products directly linked to the season, whether you’re selling clothing, or electronics.  The seasonal clothing connection is obvious, but for electronics retailers, the challenge is to find a thematic way of incorporating the items you’re featuring into the context of summer fun.

Create a beach with sand and shells.  Your electronic items might be sporting sunglasses, or lounging on deck chairs.  Humor is always a great way to connect with your customers, but for summer marketing, it’s even more effective. 

Consumers are feeling optimistic under the summer sun.  They’re in the mood to respond to displays which appeal directly to their funny bones, so don’t miss the opportunity.

Connect with the best at

Effective summer 2017 displays for retail stores begin with professionally-produced display supports from the experts at

Since 1993, we’ve been bringing retailers exceptional POP display products that send your brand message effectively, while presenting it beautifully.  We’re a one-stop online shop for all your in-store display marketing needs.

Discover our line of leading edge LED signage, to shed light on your brand and its products.  Our newly available Illuminated WindPro® is just one way we can illuminate your displays with the marketing power of energy-efficient LED light.

Summer is a challenge retailers can meet with the exceptional line of display marketing products at  Effective summer 2017 displays for retail stores are animated by your imagination and professionalized with the best POP products in the business.  Contact us to find out more.


Friday 23 June 2017

The 4 design elements shoppers value in retail stores.

What’s the first thing you notice when you enter a store?  When you think about it, some of what you see is almost subconscious.  You’re aware of it, but it’s not at the front of your mind.  Perhaps you can’t name it, but you know you either like it, or you don’t.

Design elements are more important to shoppers than they may believe.  But the fact is, they set the tone for the shopping experience, creating an atmosphere which either brings them back or compels them to pass you by.

This post will reveal the 4 design elements shoppers value in retail stores.

1. A branded experience

Effective branding tells your customers a story about who you are and what you sell.  It sets the tone for their shopping experience from the moment they walk into your store.
Signage and graphics which are brand-supportive instigate a connection between your customer and your store. 

People remember how those design elements made them feel and if they felt comfortable (even happy), they’ll want to return to experience that feeling again.  Your brand identity matters to shoppers.

2. See. Speak. Do

Your graphics and signage don’t work in a vacuum.  They’re part of something bigger.  Your brand message speaks through them, but it’s supported by your products, the environment offered by your store and the behavior of your sales staff.

These are the 3 communications channels through which your brand speaks and when they’re all in alignment, the customer responds with brand loyalty; which translates into sales. They want the familiarity of your brand to be expressed on each of these 3 communication channels.

3. Autonomy and interaction

Offering shoppers interactive displays where they experience your product creates the sensation of shopper autonomy – they’re in the driver’s seat.

Allowing your customers to try your products at displays inviting them to do so builds the relationship and encourages the type of impulse purchases which support your store’s ongoing health.  Well designed POP displays of this nature encourage customers to stay a little longer to enjoy a unique experience.

4. Aesthetics

Every area of your store should be visually pleasing.  Look around.  Does something in your outlet need a facelift?  Creating a branded experience in your store can be as simple as a coat of paint or temporary signage. 

The effect you’re going for is freshness, brand cohesion, and customer comfort.  By employing the 4 design elements valued by shoppers, you’re creating a customer experience that continually reaches out to loyal and new customer alike, making your outlet a shopping destination and a premium consumer experience.

At, we’re POP display leaders.  Since 1993, we’ve been bringing retailers like you outstanding in-store solutions that send your brand message effectively and attractively.

From LED signs which light up your brand with energy-efficient POP dynamism to our new  Illuminated WindPro®, we bring you leading edge POP display solutions that turn heads and boost sales.

The 4 design elements valued by shoppers express your brand identity.   Tell your brand story with


Wednesday 21 June 2017

Tips brick and mortar retailers can use to personalize the in-store experience.

The difference between a good retail outlet and a great one is personalization.  Everyone wants to feel special, valued and important.  That’s also true of your customers.  When they come to your store, they need to know they matter.

When asked if they’d pay more for a personalized in-store experience, almost 90% of consumers said they would do so happily.  An important reality driving this sentiment is what consumers experience when shopping online.  The online shopping experience has become highly personalized.  To compete, brick and mortar retailers need to follow suit by adding value to the 3D consumer experience.

Let’s review some tips brick and mortar retailers can use to personalize the in-store experience.

Your floor staff – on the personalization front lines.

There’s no substitute for a quality brick and mortar retail experience. Over 90% of consumers still prefer brick and mortar shopping which includes high-value, personal interactions with real world floor staff.
The human element is what gives you an edge.  That’s why your floor staff is your greatest asset.  Invest in training your staff to interact with customers on a highly-personalized level and see a significant increase in sales.

Because your floor staff is on the front lines, they’re where personalization happens.  There’s nothing like interacting with another person who knows you, understands your needs and is willing to help.

Getting to know you.

Being there is the best way to get to know your customers.  You need your floor staff on the front lines, but when the owner’s present, customers respond.  Politicians who connect directly with individual voters are more likely to get their votes.

Customer surveys are an effective way to glean information about your shoppers and get to know them.  But a high-value newsletter which includes brief surveys, news about products and promotions and sales events is even better.  Send it out via email with personal notes, reading something like: “Hi, (name)!  Because you’re a loyal customer, I wanted you to be one of the first to hear about (fill in the blank).

Get personal, but not too personal.

Yes, there is such a thing as getting too personal.  Even so, 90% of consumers are willing to provide their information to enjoy increased personalization at their retailers of choice.  It’s a calculated risk, especially when they become “preferred customers” as a result.

Advise your customers that their information won’t be sold to third parties. This is a best practice.  Honoring your promise establishes mutual trust.

Offer rewards.

This last tip is a big one.  More than 3/4s of consumers are part of at least one loyalty program.  They’ll even pay more with you, before buying the same item at a lower price from a competitor, once they sign on.
Loyalty programs help you gather customer information to gain a better understanding of what they want to buy, which further personalizes their experience.

These are some tips brick and mortar retailers can use to personalize the in-store experience.  For quality POP supports, contact to discover leading edge in-store marketing strategies.


Monday 19 June 2017

POP vs. POS: What’s the difference?

Point of purchase and point of sale.    They sound kind of like the same thing, don’t they?  But they’re not.  While they’re both fundamental components of the consumer journey, they’re different stops along the way.

Regardless of the retail environment, you’re in, from women’s wear to kid’s toys, the consumer journey is the reality running through all retail sales experiences.  It’s how your customers get from browsing to buying.

Let’s unpack these two weigh stations on the consumer journey and answer the question “POP vs. POS:  what’s the difference?”.

Buying decisions go “POP”.

The term “point of purchase” refers to a specific place, but that place isn’t consistent in terms of a location within a store.  The POP is where consumers encounter your products and services.  At the POP, consumers find out about the product and decide if they’re going to buy.  This is where the rubber meets the road.
A POP display highlights a given product or products, whether that’s hair shampoo, or laptop computers.  The point of purchase is wherever that display is set up, from the center aisle to just inside the entrance.  But “point of purchase” has another meaning – the point at which the consumer decides to buy.  That’s the intersection that turns the wheels of commerce.

POS – where the deal is sealed.

The point of sale is where the consumer has made all the buying decisions he or she is going to make and arrives at the cash register.  

Whether shopping on your website or in your retail outlet, here’s where consumers are done deciding and are ready to pay.  The point of sale, then, is where shoppers either take their purchases out of the cart and put them on the belt, or click the “go to checkout button”.

The POS is where the consumer journey concludes with the sale itself – at the cash register.

Getting the POP to the POS.

Part of greasing the wheels of commerce in your store involves POP displays that work for you.  Your displays are where the magic happens on the consumer journey.  POP displays drive your shoppers to the POS, helping them decide what to buy.

At, we’re in the business of creating innovative, effective POP displays and accessories that guide and direct your customers, featuring your products in eye-catching, attractive ways.
From floor signs that get your customers’ attention and direct them to featured products, to stanchions which protect fragile products or intricate displays, offers a wide range of POP supports, customizable to your store’s needs.

We’re your one-stop, online shop for all you need to make your sales floor merchandise POP, assisting your customers on their journeys with clarity, professionalism and consistency across your outlet.
“POP vs. POS:  What’s the difference?”, is a brief primer on the roles of these two points in the consumer experience. 

Sales don’t just happen.  You make them happen by creating an environment that models understanding of your shoppers and consideration for their needs.  Contact us to source a world of quality marketing display supports.


Friday 16 June 2017

Never really close your store.

Do I mean that in a literal sense?  Well, kind of.  You can’t be on deck 24/7.  But your signage can be.

When the shutters come down, there’s no need for your store to go dark.  It can continue reaching your market, after hours.  Afterhours outreach keeps your brand active long after you lock the front door.

A retailer’s tale.

Recently, a retailer took to the media to describe what happened when he decided to keep some of his retail outlet’s lights on, after hours.  He’d realized that he was surrounded by businesses who were open long after his store was closed.

And then, the lights came on!

The day after his first experiment with leaving the lights on at night, a whole new batch of customers came in, lamenting the fact they’d never noticed his outlet before the previous night.  As it happened, these new customers were patrons of surrounding businesses who were open after his store had closed for the day.

With the flip of a switch, this retailer changed the fortunes of his business. 

Just add signage.

Now think about the impact of illuminated signage, in the scenario described above.  Illuminated signage, used strategically, can turns the heads of people patronizing businesses around yours, after hours.  Without even being there, you’re building your customer base.

People visiting nearby restaurants, or other businesses around yours, are much more likely to be aware you’re there, when you use illuminated signage.  I’m not just talking about the sign over the door.  I’m talking about using your windows to attract consumer attention.

Even if your location isn’t surrounded by businesses open at night, people are going to drive or walk by.  If there’s a bus or metro stop outside, you’re looking at hundreds or even thousands of potential customer views each night.

LEDs reduce environmental impact.

You may be reading this thinking, “But what about the environment?”  Illuminated signage using LED lights is the answer to that concern.  You can also set your signage to turn off in the early hours of the morning, when your potential customers have gone home for the night.

LED lighting is also a cost-effective solution for marketing your store by night.  So, while you’re raising consumer awareness, you’re also being environmentally friendly and budget-smart. 

Illuminated WindPro® with LED SKU

This battery-operated night signage solution is just the ticket.  In poster and copy sizes, you’re able to change the message as often as you wish, featuring products and promotions in a convenient, attractive format that lights up the night.

Your doors may be closed, but your store remains open, sending your brand message with affordable, environmentally friendly LED light that gets your store noticed. 

You never really close your store!

We really wish the retailer in the tale above had known about the Illuminated WindPro®.  It sheds light on your brand, while keeping an eye on the bottom line and the environment. has been manufacturing quality signage since 1993.  Contact us about our world class products.


Thursday 15 June 2017

Liquidating surplus inventory: smart ways to get rid of excess stock.

When the stockroom is full to the rafters, all retailers see is tied up revenue.  That’s why it’s crucial to have strategies in place to liquidate surplus inventory.  It’s taking up space in your stockroom and it represents money you could be spending on other things.

Let’s look at some tips for liquidating surplus inventory:  smart ways to get rid of excess stock.

All healthy retailers perform regular inventories.  Knowing what’s in your stockroom lets you know when it’s time to liquidate.  Regular tracking helps you avoid the “white elephant” effect of excess stock.
But there are many other things you can do to move stock that’s been around too long.

Merchandising magic that moves.

Sometimes, sales forecasts don’t pan out.  Bad timing for any given item may be the culprit, when it comes to excess stock, also.  Whatever the reason, products you may have believed would sell more quickly than they did can benefit from a little merchandising magic to move them.

Positioning is a time-honored retail merchandising technique that can often do the trick.  Just moving the sluggish inventory to another position in the store changes consumer perspective. 
Sometimes, all retailers need to do is move the item to a different shelf, or organize it differently in relation to other, similar items.  Grouping things by color can have an effect, especially when colors are selected to compliment the item and draw attention.

This approach is especially useful for products you believe have retail potential.  If you believe that your in-store merchandising hasn’t showcased the product to best highlight its value, trying another approach is always in order.  Before you try the next tip, pay special attention to how you feel about the product.
Is it a winner?  Give it another chance in a different aisle, on a different shelf, or in a feature display.

Smart discounts.

If refreshing your merchandising doesn’t work the excess stock-moving magic, it’s time to try strategic discounts.  Gradually reducing the price of the item over time, coupled with online and in-store promotional strategies can move it out.  Start small and build the discount in smart increments.

A limited time offer or sale is another way to alert your customers to the discount.  Promoting a “flash sale” or “one-time opportunity” can get shoppers interested.  They may have seen the item before, but were waiting for it to be offered at their preferred price point.


Break out the party favors.  Set up a table on the sidewalk.  Create an experience with an event featuring live music.  Creating a little buzz and drawing shoppers to your promotion with an event is a great way to move that excess stock.

But this is a strategy you should apply sparingly.  Going overboard with too many promotional events can alienate customers and become too familiar.  A quality promotional event isn’t something that happens every week, or even every month.  It’s special! offers you quality retail POP supports that professionalize the in-store consumer experience.  Contact us to find out more.


Tuesday 13 June 2017

Unlocking the layout secrets of the big retail chains.

We’ve all done it.  We’ve gone shopping with a list of items we need to purchase, promising ourselves we won’t deviate from it.

Once inside one of those big retail chain stores, though, it’s a different story.  Our resolve evaporates in the face of attention-grabbing displays.  We find ourselves drifting toward them, asking ourselves if this isn’t an offer we can’t refuse.

It’s a good deal, right?

The big retail chains are masters of the “sell”.  They understand the needs of their customers and answer them.  In this post, we’re going to unlock some of the key layout secrets of the big retail chains, so you can take advantage of them in your own outlet.

A window on sales.

Window displays are a traditional means of consumer outreach and the big retailers use them to exceptional effect.   Your store windows are prime real estate.  As consumers pass by, windows that speak to them are more likely to draw them inside.  Well-planned and executed window displays create a conversation between your products and potential customers.

Less is always more.  Keeping your window display space signals value.  Clutter sends the opposite message.  Choosing a single color for your display also creates a sense of value, while sending the message that your products are thoughtfully chosen.

Slowing down for the long view.

Once shoppers have come in the front door, they want to be able to scan the interior.  If the first thing they see is an overwhelmingly large shelving unit displaying items they aren’t interested in, they’re probably going to turn around and leave.

The alternative?  An attractive, seasonal or product-specific display that commands their interest.  Without obscuring sight lines to the back of your store, this feature slows consumers down at the entrance and invites them to continue exploring.

Change is good.

You want new customers.  Every business does.  But your customer base (those who return to you again and again) needs to see something new when visiting you.  Changing your displays regularly maintains the interest of loyal customers by offering a fresh outlook.

Maintaining a display calendar with seasonal themes and planned promotions provides you with a solid framework for display planning.  It allows you to look ahead and prepare yourself, planning color themes and previewing your needs for upcoming changes.

Give them a break.

Long, unbroken aisles are a mistake made far too often in retail outlets.  Successful retailers keep their aisles shorter.  This also allows for more display opportunities at the end of the aisle, a favoured point of interest for consumers.

At, we offer a wide range of display supports, customizable to your needs.  We’re innovators, bringing you everything from LED signs that shine a light on your products, to brochure and leaflet holders that send your brand message professionally.

Unlocking the secrets of the big retail chains can make all the difference.  When you add professional displays, you provide clarity and consistency for your customers and create the right conditions for point of purchase success.  Contact us to find out more.


Monday 12 June 2017

Why you need to walk your sales floor every day.

If you care about your retail outlet (and we know you care deeply), walking your sales floor every day is a priority.  Before you open the doors, you need to survey your domain, ensuring that what the customer sees is what you want them to see.

Why you need to walk your sales floor every day is to take note of the details can make a huge difference to your bottom line.

The entrance.

When you stand in the front entrance of your door, the first 5 – 15 feet is known in retail merchandising as the decompression zone.  It’s here that busy shoppers are encouraged to take a breather and look around.

Your job is to make sure people in the DZ are unimpeded in their access to the rest of your store.  Is it free of clutter?  Is it easy to get into the store from this area?

Review your signs.

As you walk your sales floor, you should be checking to see that all items are in place.  While you’re doing that, it’s also important that you review your signage.  Is it all where it’s supposed to be?  Has some of it seen better days?

Keeping your signage fresh and professional keeps your outlet looking good.  Leaving up soiled signage, or failing to notice misplaced signs looks sloppy (and we know you run a tight ship).

Check your displays.

Displays are a key feature of your store.  They represent opportunities to showcase signature products and present your shoppers with a unique experience of what your selling.  It’s imperative that these not only be kept presentable and in good order, but that they be rotated regularly to maintain customer interest.

Crisp, engaging displays are your bread and butter.  They’re what can make or break you, so take the time to make sure they’re the best they can be on your daily sales floor walk.

Point of sale.

Your cash register is much more than the place customers pay.  This area is often the site of impulse purchases, before sales floor purchases are rung up.  Seize the opportunity by maintaining this area’s vigor, regularly refreshing offerings at the point of purchase to keep your shoppers interested.

The display behind the cash counter is another detail you need to think about.  Displays here are what customers are looking at as they’re preparing to walk out with their purchases, so keep them thinking about what you’re selling.   Products in this display should incite curiosity, make customers an offer, or share information about an impending sale or in-store happening. – POP your sales floor. has been in the business of providing high-quality point of purchase display products since 1993.  We’re innovators who bring you a world of exceptional POP supports at our one-stop online store.

Why you should walk your sales floor every day is that you want your store to the best of its kind.  You want it to succeed and flourish.  Contact for outstanding POP products that help make it happen.


Friday 9 June 2017

5 ideas to set your store window to “sell”!

What do your store windows say about your retail outlet?  When people see them, what’s the overall impression they get?  You may believe you’re doing what’s required with your store windows.  You may think they’re fine as they are.  But as an entrepreneur, you know you can do better and that’s probably why you’re reading this.
Store windows are the first thing people see when they’re passing your store.  If they’re not yet your customers, your windows can change that.
Let’s explore 5 ideas to set your store window to “sell”!

1.Change is good.

Regularly changing your store window displays isn’t just a good idea.  It’s an imperative.

In fact, it’s so important that you should make changing your window displays on a regular basis a priority.  Every two weeks is about right.  When you choose the same day each week to change your window displays, customers will eventually begin looking for the new display and that’s consumer consciousness that translates into sales.

We get it.  You’re busy.  But there’s no reason you can’t seek out a local marketing student looking to gain some experience.  That marketing student might be one of the best things that ever happened to your store.

2.Themes and seasons.

Most retailers create window displays for important holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Independence Day.  But you can do them one better.
Choose off-the-wall “holidays” like May the 4th.  The wags of cyberspace have dubbed May 4th “Star Wars Day”.  In case you hadn’t heard, that’s because it sounds a lot like “May the force (be with you)”.  It’s fun.  It’s laden with display and merchandising possibilities and it’s high profile.  Making people laugh humanizes your brand and gets your store talked about.

3.Create a calendar.

Creating a calendar for window display themes will help you organize all you need to be ready for your twice monthly changes.  Make note here of holidays, planned promotions and seasonal sales.
Sitting down to do this for the coming year should be part of your year-end routine.


Cluttered store windows look haphazard.  Keep your displays spare, simple and clean so people don’t miss the point.  Choose a color theme and stick to it, organizing the elements of your display around a signal focal point.  That’s a sale item, or an item you’re offering for the first time that you want your customers to know is now available.
Simple displays are easier for people passing by to understand.  They’re going to either get it within 10 seconds, or they’re not going to get it at all.

5. Windows that POP.

One of the most potent of all these 5 ideas to set your store windows to “sell” is high-quality signage.  From LED signs like our Illuminated WindPro® to light up your windows after hours, to sign holders that put your brand message front and center, we’re your one-stop online merchandising shop.

Visit for more ideas to set your store windows to “sell”, or contact us.


Thursday 8 June 2017

10 tips to set your sales floor to “sell”!

A well-designed store invites customers to come in and explore.  Layout and sales are intimately related, so this post offers 10 tips to set your sales floor to “sell” that have the potential to transform your sales outlook.

1. Integrated appearance.
When customers come in, an integrated appearance isn’t something they should consciously be aware of.  But when it’s there, it sets the scene for a pleasant shopping experience.  A central color theme which integrates with fixtures and signage signals an enjoyable customer journey.

2. Branded signage.
If your brand demands hand lettering, then all your signs should be hand lettered.  Otherwise, choose a clean, sans serif font in a pitch of no less that 30 points.  Everyone who visits your store should be able to easily read your professionally produced signs.

3. Configuration.
The most common store configuration is the grid, with aisles running from one end of the store to the other.  The free flow layout, which allows for greater creativity, has no aisles.  Instead, product is arranged in “vignettes” which depict them in lifestyle settings, drawing customers to the interest they represent.

4. Fixtures.
Your store fixtures should never be more noticeable than the product they’re being used to display.  Choose attractive but unobtrusive fixtures which don’t obstruct traffic and which showcase your products attractively, in a brand-appropriate way.

5. Power wall.
Consumers tend to turn right when they enter a store.  This tendency has made the wall just to the right of the entrance the commercial “power wall”.  This is where you create brand perception with items you wish to highlight and move.

6. Color blocking.
When displaying an item or items of varying colors, always arrange them from light to dark, moving left to right.  This is what consumers expect to see.  Because this style of visual merchandising is immediately recognizable, it also helps you sell.

7. Variety.
Shelving in your store should be in a variety of heights.  This allows the consumer to see more of your products and allows you to effectively manage your floor space.  It also breaks up the monotony of shelving which may be oppressive, or even claustrophobic.

8. The Soviet effect.
Unstocked shelves symbolize want and neglect.  Keep your shelves stocked.  If you’re out of a product, fill the space with something similar.  Empty shelves are the “Soviet effect” - one of the most undesirable things you can allow to happen to your store.

9. Cross-merchandising.
Displaying items with complementary products creates suggestions for your customers.  When they see products displayed together, they often respond by buying both items.  Do this well and your sales will increase dramatically.

10. In their shoes.
One of the most compelling of the 10 tips to set your sales floor to “sell” is the walk through.  As the proprietor, you need to walk in your customers’ shoes.  Regular walk throughs can help you gain insight and keep your sales floor set to “sell”.

Looking for high-quality POP supports?  Contact us, or visit ’s online store.


Wednesday 7 June 2017

Want to grow your garden department signage program?

Your garden department needs the professional touch of in-store marketing as much as any other department in your store.  Your customers need to be kept in touch with what’s new and what’s currently being promoted.

Summer is rapidly approaching so it’s probable you want to grow your garden department signage program, inviting your customers to spruce up their yards and plant beds.  We have some great ideas about how you can do that effectively.

Your products must be seen.

If you’re embarking on a marketing project for your garden department, the first thing you need to consider is how consumers encounter it.  People want to know that what’s inside is high quality, so you your products must be seen.

Tucking the garden department off in the corner is a mistake, especially during the high growing season.  Now’s the time to place it front and center.  An arrangement that allows people to see directly inside the garden department is most desirable. 

Glass evokes the aesthetic of a greenhouse, which symbolically boosts credibility by adding context to your product’s setting.  People who spend their spare time digging in the dirt are serious about gardening, so ensuring that your garden department is presented in a thoughtful way is important. 

Trends to market.

Signage for your garden department should be focusing on current trends in outdoor living and gardens.  Recent years have seen a profound spike in consumer interest in gardening of all kinds.  From growing hops to brew beer, to establishing a vegetable garden, people everywhere are ready to get their hands dirty.  And that’s an opportunity to grow your garden department signage program.
Create an area dedicated to this new breed of gardener, focused on sustainability and self-sufficiency.  Signage which is evocative of their interests, featuring lush raised bed gardens, news of promotions and even workshops about growing at home, are all ideas which can support the creation of an effective signage program.

POP marketing with

You should be aware that almost of 50% of households chose garden departments which were part of a larger store, as their source for gardening needs.  You’re looking at a sizable share of a market that’s buying over $300 million a year in the sector.

Choosing as your source for point of purchase marketing gives you access to a world of leading edge signage.  When you want to grow your garden department signage program, we’re the POP marketing leaders, since 1993.  Our marketing supports cover all your needs, in every corner of your outlet.

From eye-catching LED signs that light up your garden department POP, to banner stands to display your brand message with pride, is an in-store marketing leader.

If you want to grow your garden department signage program, we hope the tips in this post have been helpful.  When you’re ready to move, contact us.  Our wide range of products, available at our one-stop online shop, provide your store with professionalism, clarity and brand consistency to create a compelling customer experience.

Visit us at


Tuesday 6 June 2017

Retail display lessons learned from Las Vegas

Bold, brassy and over the top, Las Vegas is the world capital of garish excess.  But retail display lessons learned from Las Vegas are of no little value.

Las Vegas is like an adult theme park, featuring all the favored vices of those who’ve reached the age of consent.  But how does the dizzying array of fun to be had get sorted by the visitor?  What makes people walking the Vegas Strip decide to stop at the Bellagio, as opposed to Cesar’s Palace?

Take an imaginary stroll down that infamous promenade with us and let’s talk about what retailers can learn from Sin City.

Beyond gambling.

To learn our retail display lessons from Las Vegas, let’s start with famed casino magnate, Steve Wynn.  Wynn contends that people don’t really go to Vegas for the gambling, saying “A roulette table is a roulette table, anywhere on earth”.  Americans can now gamble close to home, so the slots and roulette tables have lost some of their allure.

So, if visitors to Las Vegas aren’t going for the city’s fabled gambling scene, then what is it they’re after?  Why are they jumping on planes and enduring security line ups at airports to find themselves in America’s capital of games of chance?

For the experience. 

Las Vegas, more than anything else, is an experience.  People go there to see the fountains at the Bellagio burst skyward; to see a replica of the Eiffel Tower soaring over the Strip.  They go there to have an adventure that may or may not involve gambling and that adventure is all about experiences they can bring home to share with friends.

An in-store experience.

What Steve Wynn and other Las Vegas moguls understand is that it’s all about the experience.  They’ve created conditions in which non-gambling revenues now largely support their enterprises, because they offer outstanding experiences to their customers.

We’re not suggesting (for a minute) that you install an explosive fountain, or build a replica of the Eiffel Tower in your store.   And neon is the furthest thing from our minds.  What we’re saying is that beyond your outlet’s products, your customers need to know they’re going to experience something when they come see you.  The best way to provide them with those desired experiences is with your displays.

Your in-store displays are where you can let your imagination run wild, creating an experiential treat for your customers.  Layer the experience with the right kind of music, appropriate scents and lighting and your customers will be going home and telling their friends about “that store that’s so amazing to shop in”.

Re-creating your store with displays that transcend your products while taking them to a whole new level is what Steve Wynn was talking about.  Your roulette table may be a pair of slacks, or stationery products.

Whatever it is, looking beyond the roulette table to the experience people are seeking as part of their customer journey is what’s going to set you apart. brings you leading edge POP retail display supports. Contact us for more.
